Monday, March 31, 2008

Poem For Zach's School

In honor of Autism Awareness Month, the parents of all the kids in Zach's class at school were asked to send a favorite picture of their child and to write some nice things. These were to be included on a bulletin board, outside the classroom, that Zach's teacher was making.
I didn't really know what to write, so I wrote a poem (one of many that I write about the kids - it is great therapy). Anyway, the social worker at the school made such a big deal out of it on the phone with me the other day, that I decided to share it, so here it is:

Zechariah “Bumble-bee” Miller

Zach wakes in the morning, and I know –

even from the other room, I know –

for I hear his daily song begin:

a rhythmic commotion.

He hoots and hums, chirps and babbles –

he is melody in perpetual motion

His funny deep chuckle makes me sure,

that he is much bigger on the inside than the out.

He loves music, cuddles, tickles, slapstick,

spinning, swinging, climbing to the sky –

He is so hardworking, yet so silly –

a curious, goofy little guy

And sometimes Zach is a mystery –

when he goes to that place where no one can follow –

he lines up his cars and fades deep inside himself.

I stand watching, wondering, worrying…

Then, he stops and grabs me by the chin and,

looks me right in the eye, from mere inches, as if to say:

“I’m right here dad… I’m never that far away…

I just hear a different drummer” –

and almost – almost – as soon as it begins,

the moment slips away... but there’s that glimmer...

Zach loves counting numbers and his ABC’s –

gears, wheels, springs and spinning things,

he plugs his ears, he laughs, he talks, he sings –

He’s a puzzle piece, my pride and joy…

He is loving and patient, smart and kind –

Zach is my perfect little boy.

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