Monday, October 29, 2007

The Red Sox Win! The Red Sox Win!

Miranda often points to my hat and says, "Daddy, you have a 'B' on your hat - a red 'B'." She is only 3 years old, so it would be rather inappropriate to for me to say what I am usually thinking: "You're fucking-A right I do, pumpkin... fucking-A right!" So usually I just tell her that the "B" is for Daddy's favorite baseball team, the Red Sox, at which point she usually lifts my pants leg to check my socks, coming away puzzled. She'll get it soon enough.

One of the things I am looking forward to is the day I will sit in the holy tabernacle (i.e. Fenway Park) with my children and share a Sox home game. Sigh. Until then I will have to be satisfied with a second world series win in four years and the promise of more to come. Nice job lads, thanks for the great season.

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