Monday, June 25, 2007

Father's Day Monkeyshines

Well, if I don't get this done today, I'll have had another visit before telling you all ("y'all" to the Carolina contingent) about the previous one. So, in the interest of expediency, this ain't gonna be pretty but it'll have to do.

The first thing that I must mention are the beautiful Father's Day art projects that Zachy made for me at school (pictured above). I'm not quite sure what to call the popsicle stick and seashell creation (lots of glitter of course) but it's definitely a keeper!

The second thing that I must mention also concerns Zachy (Miss Miranda was charming, sweet, beautiful and funny as ever - don't worry pumpkin, your turn is coming). We went to the park by Zach's school Saturday morning because the kids got up very early and wanted to go out long before it was time to leave for the Sensory Gym. When we got there, Zach took off and went straight to the big kids' side of the playground and got on a big boy's swing. The last time he tried this without an adult, he fell off backwards and banged his head on the rubber mat. This time he got on by himself, held on to the chains the whole time and was able to actually swing by leaning into it. It was amazing! This time I got pictures to prove it (above).

We also were sporting a new set of wheels this weekend - a new double stroller, well actually it's sort of a single stroller with a rumble seat in the back where Zachy can either sit or stand. They both seem to like it very much and it certainly is an improvement over the side-by-side that was bio-degrading as we strolled - check it out! (above)

The rest of the weekend was really fun, but not that much different than many of our weekends - we spent a lot of time at various parks, ran through the sprinklers, went for a bunch of long walks, had our quiet time, our art time, our music time, watched a lot of Thomas the Train, played with our toys, and cuddled etc.

I won't bore you with all of the little things, but I will mention that Miss Miranda likes to pick the clovers that grow (in abundance) in the front lawn of my building and sometimes we sit outside and make clover jewelry. When I was sweeping up the apartment after dropping the kids back at Monkey Central this Sunday evening, I kept finding piles of partially dismembered clovers and realized that my little one has been smuggling them in and hiding them. I'm in the process of finding a suitable clover repository so that my little clover smuggler can go legit and keep her ill-gotten booty.

Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Tune in again for more Monkeyshines.

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