Thursday, May 15, 2008

Just Noticed...

I happened to accidentally launch Microsoft Explorer (an inferior product) this morning, which is something that I never do, and I noticed that the format of this page was all screwed up. When I compose, arrange, manipulate and generally obsess over my work here it is always done using Firefox. I'm not sure why the browser should make that much of a difference, but in order to avoid all kinds of weird spaces and text that does not appear where it should you all should really use Firefox to view this blog - It looks much better and will add to your enjoyment of the experience! We now return to our regularly scheduled nonsense.

1 comment:

n8k99 said...

the reason is because microsoft has always thought itself to be above using standards that the rest of the world subscribes to, therefore Internet Explorer versions preceeding 6.0 have lousy support for the html language that the internet is build out of, and renders things according to their own rules (after 6.0 it is still risky but better) FF on the otherhand comes pretty darn close to rendering webpages in strict accordance with the html web standards.