Zechariah-Bumble Bee and Miranda-Panda came over to Daddy's house to play this past weekend, and even though they were suffering from slight colds, a good time was had by all! We started our weekend off right with a nutritious lunch (which only got nibbled at) then went right out to the park with our good friend Mr. Mike. It was nice out, but kind of windy so Daddy decided that the park by the highschool would be a bit more sheltered from the breeze. This time (for the first time in recent memory) Miss Miranda actually stayed awake and got to run and play like big brother Zachy.
We had a great time swinging on the swings, climbing on the monkey bars (of course), sliding on the slides, etc. We all ended up down on the football field, rolling around on the astro-turf (little bits of which ended up all over Daddy's apartment).
The fun was so exhausting that Zachy passed out for long afternoon nap almost as soon as we got home.
Miss Miranda had a little stomach issue (she was running a slight temperature) and barfed, but Daddy thinks it might have been the combination of mucus, oranges, milk and bumpity-bumps. Either way, she rebounded nicely and was her regular silly little self until she too dropped for an evening nap, almost in midstep. This made for a quiet early evening, but both little people were up late into the night (11:00pm).
We used the time productively and played secret agent with our tunnels and tents. We read some books and Daddy told some amazing stories.
Sunday dawned cloudy, with rain expected, but we decided to try our morning walk anyway. First we had breakfast - or at least looked at it. Daddy fried bacon for the first time in a couple of decades - it came out OK, but there were no takers, so we had eggs and fruit. We watched both episodes of the Wonderpets, then we went out on our usual Sunday morning coffee run and met several very nice doggies on the way. Usually this walk loops back down Third Avenue to the corner deli at 87th Street where Daddy pumps quarters into the gumball machine in order to add to our growing collection of high bouncing rubber superballs (almost as treasured as marbles). By then it had started to drizzle so we cut our outing short and headed back to the ranch. We had an encore session of music time and had a great jam going - Miranda managed to play the harmonica and the recorder at the same time, while Zachy banged his tamborine in time.
Mommy came to pick up the little people at a little past noon and we loaded the gang up and said "bye-bye Daddy's house - see ya soon", when we meet again for Monkeyshines.
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