Friday, March 02, 2007

Nothin' Doin'

Today I am neck deep in paperwork and although I can imagine a host of nastier things to neck deep in, I still don't like it. What has been going on the last couple of days?... Well, we went to look at yet another school for Zach Wednesday night. The Children's School (a.k.a. PS-72) in lower Park Slope was having an open house. This is an inclusionary public school that is doing a remarkable job considering the resources and red tape that they have to deal with, however, the kindergarten classes have a 25:2 student to teacher ratio and the speech and other services that they can deliver are limited. It was good to go anyway and see all of the other parents that we have gotten to know from the special needs school circut.

Not much else to report today, except that the monsoons have ended and this afternoon is shaping up to be a dandy (56 degrees and sunny!) so I may dust off my bike and get a little exercise this evening. Tomorrow I will have the kids for the usual visit, which I am very much looking forward to, as always - golden time. That's it for now (short and sweet for a change - huh?).
May God stand between you and harm, in all the empty places you must walk.
~ ancient Egyptian blessing.

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