Monday, December 28, 2009

"Easy" Bake Oven

Some months ago, the teenaged neighbor girl who lives upstairs brought down her pre-owned Easy Bake oven for Miranda to have. While we gratefully accepted the gift, for a long time we did not have any of the mixes to make anything. We tried using cookie dough from the refrigerated section of the local grocery store, but failed to produce anything... well... edible. That is until Santa came to the rescue.
Although we did manage to make cookies, I am mystified as to why this contraption is called "Easy" - there is nothing easy about cooking with a light bulb, with add water only mixes, in thimble-sized mixing bowls and pans. Whatever the case, as you can see from the photos below, Miranda thought it was an outstanding use of time, and quickly munched down both of the cookies that resulted from the two packets of cookie mix, one packet of frosting mix and one packet of sprinkles.

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