Friday, May 01, 2009

Susie & Samantha Visit

Today started out with a resolution hearing at Zach's school - the school had been trying to make some drastic cuts (-67%) to Zach's speech services. We filed for a fair hearing which is a big legally complicated process in which parents fight the NYC Board of Education (aka the Board of Dead).
Fortunately, the fates smiled on us and we were able to reach a compromise, albeit with some arm-twisting. Now we do not have to fight with them again until August.
After the pow-wow, I ventured north to Central Park where I met up with Susie and Samantha who were in town for Samantha's school chorus trip. They had been touring NYC all day on a bus tour along with several thousand classmates - actually it only seemed like several thousand. We (Susie, another parent and I) took 8 girls to the Carnegie Deli for lunch (tres yummy) and did some shopping with them afterwards - then rushed them back to The Plaza (pictured above) just in time for them to get back on the bus for a trip to spit off the top of theEmpire State Building. It was really great to see them, even as brief as it was!

Note: I took the other photos while I was hanging around waiting for them to show up - enjoy!

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