Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Summer Solstice Monkeyshines

Soooo... among the many other wonderful things that transpired during Daddy's latest weekend with the monkeys, we went to a big block party at Louis' house. And although Daddy planned to take all kinds of yummy photos of the kids in the swimming pool, eating hot dogs, riding bikes and big wheels, dancing to the band, etc. the batteries in the camera died immediately after taking the above picture (Miranda playing the drums). Quite a bummer - Zach did some great drum playing (he crashed the Sh#t out of the cymbals and played some mean piano too! We also had our own private pool party in Lou's pool - perfect for a hot sweaty day!

Rest assured, however, we had a slamming, action-packed weekend in spite of off and on thunder showers that hung around all weekend. In addition to our regular trips to the Sensory Gym and the Riding Academy, we had a big water balloon fight at the park, fed the ducks in the PolyPrep pond, discovered new parts of Bay Ridge and Bensonhurst, went out for brunch with Barry and James (Gannon's twin boys - Gannon came too) and discovered that Miranda will eat 5 large dill pickles all in one sitting.

Only about 4 weeks or so until our big adventure episode: "Daddy and the monkeys fly to Pittsburgh" - stay tuned!

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