Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Time Monkeyshines

This Christmas started out, as many do, with the purchase of a tree - a humble tree, but with a little love and care it turned out just fine.

We decided to set up our electric trains around the tree, which Zach thought was even better than any of the presents that he got. Although I don't have any pictures of it, we had great fun putting Squeaky the "mouse" in the flatbed car of the train and watching him go around and around the Christmas tree in the train - it quite literally scared the piss out of the little critter, but he survived just fine.
Eventually Santa came and left presents for young Master Zechariah and young Miss Miranda - in a bit of a non-sequiter, I just noticed that "Santa" is an anagram for "Satan," who knew?
On Christmas day, after all the present opening festivities we went out and about to visit with some friends and share the holiday cheer. The kids enjoyed swinging on the hammock swing at Daddy's friend Chris' house.
Holidays can be pretty exhausting and both little monkeys ran out of gas, collapsing with visions of sugar-plum fairies cavorting in their heads.

Of course opening all those presents is messy work so we took time out of our busy day to clean up our act.

We watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer several times over the course of the vacation - Miranda thought that the abominable snowman was very scary and hid under the blankets when he roared - Zach was unimpressed.

Just two random pics of Zach.

Well that will do it for Monkeyshines for the year of our Lord 2007. I expect 2008 to be fun-filled and action-packed so stay tuned and have a great new year. Peace, Love and Special Sauce.

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