Aimless ruminations, mercurial cogitations and other random musings of a singular sapien. For Zechariah-Bumblebee & Miranda-Panda: may you always know peace, love and joy.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Monkeys And Tigers And Bears - Oh My!
At the top of our list this past weekend was getting some more bugs for our very hungry lizard friends - Daddy is now a slave to the pet store. It's OK, though, because it is nice to have a house full of life.
The photos (sorry no video) of the weekend will have to follow (I'll post them this weekend) but we did a lot of our usual things - we went to the Sensory Gym on Saturday, spent a lot of time at the park (both days) and even went to the 5th Avenue street fair.
While at the fair, we bounced on the moonwalk (Miranda calls these "bouncy castles") then we ran into a booth of Chinese guys selling those little green turtles you always used to see them selling in Chinatown. They wanted $15 for two little turtles (about the size of a silver dollar) in a plastic turtle box - which is actually not a bad deal. Needless to say Miranda was spellbound, but Daddy (fortuitously) was kind of broke so common sense prevailed... for now.
I'll post the photos when I get a chance - peaceandlove.